jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008

Africa's problems

The mostly problems of Africa are responsibility of the Europeans colonist and/or operators.

The maternal and children’s death rate is now taller than 30 years ago and a lot of children that die are because of malnutrition. In the mostly Sub-Saharan countries, more than a third of their young population is infected, and the sanitary conditions in that they live, are a life sentence. A big majority of the people who have been infected by whatever virus yet, they don’t even know it, so, besides be victims, they contribute to their expansion.

Every African country has tuberculosis problems, an illness that never had got serious impediment, regret a long time ago exists efficient treatments. In the lasts year the tuberculosis has had a new impulse because of the AIDS, so that together they form an impossible tandem to aboard with the misery budget sanitary of these countries.

I don’t find strange that it also be Africans a good part of the 2.000.000 millions of children that die in armed conflicts and a big proportion of the 300.000 children soldier that fight in different wars.

Africa has no means to look after of their healthy and the rest of the world “down the head” and do nothing. The helps out that arrive are such only an incapable patch to reverse the illnesses and the poverty.

The more poverty, poorer health and how much worse health, more poverty. Including in the politician more stable countries and with more developed economies, like Botswana, Lesotho or Zambia, the hope of life has fallen down to the 40 years old, a half that in Spain. Meanwhile this happens, we declare that we have the intention to help, but the words don’t cure.

Picture ~> http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40130000/jpg/_40130827_child_bbc_203by300.jpg
Date ~> 10th - February- 2008
(tomorrow my birthday).

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