martes, 31 de julio de 2007

The Beatles

The Beatles was a musical group of the 1960’s that revolutionized the English pop. Their compositions are between most remarkable of this sort, in addition of which it has the first place in world-wide sales ABBA along with. The quartet formed in Liverpool (England), in 1957 and it dissolved in 1970. Although John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the main composers, George Harrison and Ringo Starr also contributed through the years. George Martin produced all his albums with the exception of Let it be, that was produced by Phil Spector, with that all were according to exception of Paul.
The group was made up of:
-John Winston Lennon Stanley, (John Lennon) (Liverpool, 9 of October of 1940 - † New York, 8 of December of 1980).
-James Paul McCartney, (Paul McCartney) (Liverpool, 18 of June of 1942).
-George Harrison, (George Harrison) (Liverpool, 25 of February of 1943 - † Los Angeles, 29 of November of 2001).
-Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) (Liverpool, 7 of 1940 July).

Their discography: Please Please Me (1963-03-22), With The Beatles (1963-11-22), Meet The Beatles! (1964-02-01), To Hard Day's Night (1964-07-10), Beatles For Sale (1964-12-04), Help! (1965-08-06) Rubber Soul (1965-12-03), To turn around (1966-08-05), To Collection of Beatles' Oldies (But Goldies) (1966-12-10), Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band Club (1967-06-01), Magical Mystery Tour (1967-12-08), The Beatles (The White Album) (1968-11-22), Yellow Submarine (1969-01-17), Abbey Road (1969-09-26), Let It Be (1970-05-08), The Beatles 1962-1966 (Network Album) (1973-04-02), The Beatles 1967-1970 (Blue Album) (1973-04-02), Rock n' Roll Music (1976-06-07), The Beatles AT The Hollywood Bowl (1977-05-04), Love Songs (1977-10-21), Rarities (1978-12-02), The Beatles Ballads (1980-10-20), Beatles Reel Music (1982-03-12), 20 Greatest Hits (1982-10-18), The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 1 (1988-03-07), The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 2 (1988-03-07), Live AT the BBC (1994-10-21), Anthology 1 (1995), Anthology 2 (1996), Anthology 3 (1996), Yellow Submarine Songtrack (1999), The Beatles One (2000), Let It Be… Naked (2003), Love (2006).


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Music ~>
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Date ~> 31th - July - 2007

sábado, 21 de julio de 2007

Ireland (the exam)

Here in Ireland I am in the class of levels 8 and 9, but I am going to do the exam of level 6 of the "Trinity College". There are 12 levels. The exam isn't writed, is oral. The exam of level 6 are 10 minutes. 5 minutes it's topic that I have to prepare before and then I have to tell to the examinator. I am preparing a topic about my last trip, to Denmark; and the others 5 minutes it's a conversation with the examinator about: travel, money, fashion, rules and regulations, health and shopping. And grammar. Like: the first type of conditional using if and when; the present continuous tense for a future use; the past continuous tense; the modal verbs (must, have to, need to and might); and the infinitive of purpose. The exam's results I will get them in Spain, but I don't know when.


Text ~> me

sábado, 7 de julio de 2007


I have come to Ireland to study the english language one month. I am in a village called Balbriggan, near Dublin. I am living with a family. On monday, on tuesday, on wednesday and on thursday I go to school. On friday I have an excursion. At school I am learning a lot. The classes start at 10 am and finish at 1 pm. Here I normally wake up at 8 o'clock and then I go to school, when I finish school I go with my friends to the "Community Centre", there we stay three or four hours doing sport and after that eachone goes to each home to have dinner (we have dinner too early, at 5 pm). At night we are all toghether talking and having fun.

Here you have a photo of the garden of the house that I'm living at the moment.


Text ~> me
Picture ~> I took it
Date ~> 7th - July - 2007