martes, 30 de octubre de 2007

Manga comics

Really I don't know a lot about Manga comics. I only read two collections, "Azul" and "Vagabond." Azul is about a love story and Vagabond is about a samurais story. I have Vagabond's collection, but I read "Azul" because my cousin Alberto recommended it me, he said me that it is a very beautiful story. I don't like comics that are absurd stories like "Naruto", "Ragnarok" and "Mär"... HAVE NO SENSE! ! There are several types of Manga Comics, like: Shojo (for girls), Shonen (for boys), Seinen (for adults), Hentai (porn), Doujinshi (anime's reproduction)... Normally, the manga comics are japaneses, but also there are koreans and chineses. I think they have no comparation with american comics...


Text ~> me
Date ~> 30th - October - 2007


Halloween is a party from Celtic culture that takes place primarily in the United States on the night of October 31. Children masquerade and parade through the streets demanding candy door to door. After calling at the door, children uttered the phrase "Trick or Treat." If on the other hand they refuse, the boys will spend a little joke, throwing eggs or shaving foam against the door.
The Druids brought with them a large hollow turnip who would sculpt a face on the front, this to represent the demonic spirit in which depended to gain power and knowledge.
A typical meal Halloween are cookies with structure pumpkins and ghosts.


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Date ~> 30th - October - 2007

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007


There is a military rule since many years ago, now the Buddhists Monks have begun to make manifestations because the price of the transport and the food has raised a lot. They have the high moral prestige. And the military government has answered with repression. They have killed to many manifestants and have detained some hundreds of people.

At the beginning of the manifestations some monks protested and the
military beat them, so the other monk manifestated in mass. The images that have recorded with mobiles and cameras, have helped everybody to know what is happening.


Text ~> EL PAIS

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Video ~>
Date ~> 5th - October - 2007

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

11th September

The 11th of September’s attacks of 2001, were a suicidal series of attacks that implied the kidnapping of four passenger airplanes on the part of 19 members of the terrorist network Al-Qaeda. They were divided in four groups of kidnappers, each one of them with a pilot who was in charge to pilot the airplane. Both first airplanes were: the Flight 11 of American Airlines and the Flight 175 of United Airlines that were crashed against the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (New York), an airplane against each tower, causing that both collapsed in two hours. The third kidnapped airplane was Flight 77 of American Airlines that hit against the Pentagon in Washington DC. The fourth airplane, that was Flight 93 of United Airlines, had not reached any objective since the passengers and crew tried to regain the control and, for that reason, it crashed in an opened field, in Shanksville, Pensilvania.
Aside from the 19 kidnappers there were 2973 passed away people confirmed and 24 continue missing.

This already 6 years ago it happened, was very strong for much people, although it did not know anybody deads.


Text ~> Wikipedia and me
Pictures ~> and
Video ~>
Date ~> 11th - September - 2007

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007

The Dominican Republic

I have gone 9 days to the Dominican Republic with my family. We were lodged in a 5 stars hotel with
"all included" called “Natura Park”. In the room I was with my sister and my cousin. It was in Punta Cana. I have bathed in the Caribbean see, where at least two weeks ago pass the “Dean” hurricane.The Dominican Republic it’s a poor country, but like others countries there are people with a lot of money and people with no money, nothing. A day I went to the “rich” side of the country, but is too poor compared with us. And another day I went to the POOR side of the country where there were abandoned childs that survive begging to the tourists. In the Dominican Republic it’s obligated go to the school, where there is one, there are too many childs that leave the school without their parents consent to start working on the streets, and childs that leave the school WITH their parents consent. Here you have a photo of the hotels swimmingpool...


Text ~> me
Pictures ~>the firsts two ones I took them and the last one..
Date ~> 5th - September - 2007

martes, 31 de julio de 2007

The Beatles

The Beatles was a musical group of the 1960’s that revolutionized the English pop. Their compositions are between most remarkable of this sort, in addition of which it has the first place in world-wide sales ABBA along with. The quartet formed in Liverpool (England), in 1957 and it dissolved in 1970. Although John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the main composers, George Harrison and Ringo Starr also contributed through the years. George Martin produced all his albums with the exception of Let it be, that was produced by Phil Spector, with that all were according to exception of Paul.
The group was made up of:
-John Winston Lennon Stanley, (John Lennon) (Liverpool, 9 of October of 1940 - † New York, 8 of December of 1980).
-James Paul McCartney, (Paul McCartney) (Liverpool, 18 of June of 1942).
-George Harrison, (George Harrison) (Liverpool, 25 of February of 1943 - † Los Angeles, 29 of November of 2001).
-Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) (Liverpool, 7 of 1940 July).

Their discography: Please Please Me (1963-03-22), With The Beatles (1963-11-22), Meet The Beatles! (1964-02-01), To Hard Day's Night (1964-07-10), Beatles For Sale (1964-12-04), Help! (1965-08-06) Rubber Soul (1965-12-03), To turn around (1966-08-05), To Collection of Beatles' Oldies (But Goldies) (1966-12-10), Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band Club (1967-06-01), Magical Mystery Tour (1967-12-08), The Beatles (The White Album) (1968-11-22), Yellow Submarine (1969-01-17), Abbey Road (1969-09-26), Let It Be (1970-05-08), The Beatles 1962-1966 (Network Album) (1973-04-02), The Beatles 1967-1970 (Blue Album) (1973-04-02), Rock n' Roll Music (1976-06-07), The Beatles AT The Hollywood Bowl (1977-05-04), Love Songs (1977-10-21), Rarities (1978-12-02), The Beatles Ballads (1980-10-20), Beatles Reel Music (1982-03-12), 20 Greatest Hits (1982-10-18), The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 1 (1988-03-07), The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 2 (1988-03-07), Live AT the BBC (1994-10-21), Anthology 1 (1995), Anthology 2 (1996), Anthology 3 (1996), Yellow Submarine Songtrack (1999), The Beatles One (2000), Let It Be… Naked (2003), Love (2006).


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Date ~> 31th - July - 2007

sábado, 21 de julio de 2007

Ireland (the exam)

Here in Ireland I am in the class of levels 8 and 9, but I am going to do the exam of level 6 of the "Trinity College". There are 12 levels. The exam isn't writed, is oral. The exam of level 6 are 10 minutes. 5 minutes it's topic that I have to prepare before and then I have to tell to the examinator. I am preparing a topic about my last trip, to Denmark; and the others 5 minutes it's a conversation with the examinator about: travel, money, fashion, rules and regulations, health and shopping. And grammar. Like: the first type of conditional using if and when; the present continuous tense for a future use; the past continuous tense; the modal verbs (must, have to, need to and might); and the infinitive of purpose. The exam's results I will get them in Spain, but I don't know when.


Text ~> me

sábado, 7 de julio de 2007


I have come to Ireland to study the english language one month. I am in a village called Balbriggan, near Dublin. I am living with a family. On monday, on tuesday, on wednesday and on thursday I go to school. On friday I have an excursion. At school I am learning a lot. The classes start at 10 am and finish at 1 pm. Here I normally wake up at 8 o'clock and then I go to school, when I finish school I go with my friends to the "Community Centre", there we stay three or four hours doing sport and after that eachone goes to each home to have dinner (we have dinner too early, at 5 pm). At night we are all toghether talking and having fun.

Here you have a photo of the garden of the house that I'm living at the moment.


Text ~> me
Picture ~> I took it
Date ~> 7th - July - 2007