On April 7 we went away of trip of end of course of cruise, the whole class. To earn money and that the trip wasn’t so expensive, we were doing cookies, were selling lottery, etc. Initially, some of us of the class didn’t want to go to the cruise, but to Berlin, but in the end, it was brilliant, we all passed it to ourselves very well and it was an unforgettable trip. A trip full of laughs, laughs and more laughs. The cruise was passing for three cities: Italy, Malta and Tunis;
- Italy: we were in three cities: first Florence; later Rome, where we saw the coliseum (from out) and the wall that separates The Vatican of Rome (but also from out); and then Naples (and Pompeii), where we went to see the remains of the volcano that devastated Pompeii a lot of time ago, when it entered eruption and plundered the unprepared people.
- Malta: it is a very small country, when we got down the ship they said to us that we had 5 hours, a very little time, and we hadn’t time us to seeing the city. So we were buying awhile gifts for the family, we ate there and… Well… it wasn’t bad.
- Tunis: before going down the ship we all were going fearfully, we made pairs of boy and girl not to separate and that was not passing anything to us, we did this because Tunis has a bit of badly reputation, and partly, it’s true, you get into an alley and it comes 5 persons to sell his drug… But ultimately, neither pairs nor nothing, each one went away with his friends and all contentments, nothing happened. We were in the village that has all the white houses and the blue doors, it’s very nice.
The ship was a luxury, everything the very nice one, with many services, and enormously, was enormous, had 12 floors, in which, the first days, you were getting lost easily. In the room (8208), it was going with Cristina, Helena and Raquel… but I didn’t sleep any day with them, I was going away every day to sleeping with others. The eaten ones in the ship were very good, though the menu of every night, it was the same.
The best moments… I cannot describe them here... but… there were many, and all, perfect, brilliant.
Last day, already of return, we didn’t want to turn home, we wanted another week, more united days, in which to share laughs and many wonderful moments.
It has been perfect.
Pictures ~> from google
Date ~> 22nd - May - 2008
Information ~> it'is my opinion about the travel..
jueves, 22 de mayo de 2008
jueves, 7 de febrero de 2008
Africa's problems

The mostly problems of Africa are responsibility of the Europeans colonist and/or operators.
The maternal and children’s death rate is now taller than 30 years ago and a lot of children that die are because of malnutrition. In the mostly Sub-Saharan countries, more than a third of their young population is infected, and the sanitary conditions in that they live, are a life sentence. A big majority of the people who have been infected by whatever virus yet, they don’t even know it, so, besides be victims, they contribute to their expansion.
Every African country has tuberculosis problems, an illness that never had got serious impediment, regret a long time ago exists efficient treatments. In the lasts year the tuberculosis has had a new impulse because of the AIDS, so that together they form an impossible tandem to aboard with the misery budget sanitary of these countries.
I don’t find strange that it also be Africans a good part of the 2.000.000 millions of children that die in armed conflicts and a big proportion of the 300.000 children soldier that fight in different wars.
Africa has no means to look after of their healthy and the rest of the world “down the head” and do nothing. The helps out that arrive are such only an incapable patch to reverse the illnesses and the poverty.
The more poverty, poorer health and how much worse health, more poverty. Including in the politician more stable countries and with more developed economies, like Botswana, Lesotho or Zambia, the hope of life has fallen down to the 40 years old, a half that in Spain. Meanwhile this happens, we declare that we have the intention to help, but the words don’t cure.
The maternal and children’s death rate is now taller than 30 years ago and a lot of children that die are because of malnutrition. In the mostly Sub-Saharan countries, more than a third of their young population is infected, and the sanitary conditions in that they live, are a life sentence. A big majority of the people who have been infected by whatever virus yet, they don’t even know it, so, besides be victims, they contribute to their expansion.
Every African country has tuberculosis problems, an illness that never had got serious impediment, regret a long time ago exists efficient treatments. In the lasts year the tuberculosis has had a new impulse because of the AIDS, so that together they form an impossible tandem to aboard with the misery budget sanitary of these countries.
I don’t find strange that it also be Africans a good part of the 2.000.000 millions of children that die in armed conflicts and a big proportion of the 300.000 children soldier that fight in different wars.
Africa has no means to look after of their healthy and the rest of the world “down the head” and do nothing. The helps out that arrive are such only an incapable patch to reverse the illnesses and the poverty.
The more poverty, poorer health and how much worse health, more poverty. Including in the politician more stable countries and with more developed economies, like Botswana, Lesotho or Zambia, the hope of life has fallen down to the 40 years old, a half that in Spain. Meanwhile this happens, we declare that we have the intention to help, but the words don’t cure.
Picture ~> http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/40130000/jpg/_40130827_child_bbc_203by300.jpg
Date ~> 10th - February- 2008 (tomorrow my birthday).
jueves, 24 de enero de 2008
The present perfect tense
-Example: I have finished my homework.
The present perfect of the regular verbs it forms adding –ed to the infinitive
-Examples: walk-->walked, listen-->listened...
To speak about past actions whose results or consequences still in the present.
-Example: He hasn’t eaten anything. He is very hungry.
To speak about actions just finished we use the past simple with the adverb just between the auxiliary and the participle.
-Example: We’ve just had an accident.
To speak about who started in the past and who’s last in the present yet and probably still in the future. To refer at the last of the action we use the prepositions for and since.
•For refers to a period on time (minutes, hours, months, years, etc).
-Example: I’ve been here for thirty minutes.
•Since refers to a moment on time who started the action and it is followed of an oral expression.
-Example: I’ve been here since 3:30 p.m.
To ask about facts or actions that haven’t finished we use the adverbial phrase: How long...?
-Example: How long have you lived in Madrid?
To refer to an action that happened in the past and who have finished.
-Example: She hasn’t visited El Prado.
With the past perfect tense we can use indefinite time adverbs to be more necessary: ever, never, already, yet and still.
•Ever: it uses in interrogative and negative orations.
-Example: Have you ever been to Argentina?
•Never: it uses in negative orations always when the verb isn’t negative.
-Example: No, I have never been to Argentina.
•Already: it uses in affirmative orations to say that the action have happened yet. It goes after the past participle or at the end of the phrase.
-Example: I’ve already seen the film / I’ve seen the film already.
•Yet: it uses in interrogative orations to ask if the action has happened yet. It goes at the end of the phrase.
-Example: Have you finished that exercise yet?
•Still: also goes in negative orations to say that the actions haven’t happened yet. Still is more efficient than yet, and it goes before the auxiliary have/has.
-Example: We haven’t eaten lunch yet.
Text ~> my own words
Date ~> 24th - January - 2008
-Example: I have finished my homework.
The present perfect of the regular verbs it forms adding –ed to the infinitive
-Examples: walk-->walked, listen-->listened...
To speak about past actions whose results or consequences still in the present.
-Example: He hasn’t eaten anything. He is very hungry.
To speak about actions just finished we use the past simple with the adverb just between the auxiliary and the participle.
-Example: We’ve just had an accident.
To speak about who started in the past and who’s last in the present yet and probably still in the future. To refer at the last of the action we use the prepositions for and since.
•For refers to a period on time (minutes, hours, months, years, etc).
-Example: I’ve been here for thirty minutes.
•Since refers to a moment on time who started the action and it is followed of an oral expression.
-Example: I’ve been here since 3:30 p.m.
To ask about facts or actions that haven’t finished we use the adverbial phrase: How long...?
-Example: How long have you lived in Madrid?
To refer to an action that happened in the past and who have finished.
-Example: She hasn’t visited El Prado.
With the past perfect tense we can use indefinite time adverbs to be more necessary: ever, never, already, yet and still.
•Ever: it uses in interrogative and negative orations.
-Example: Have you ever been to Argentina?
•Never: it uses in negative orations always when the verb isn’t negative.
-Example: No, I have never been to Argentina.
•Already: it uses in affirmative orations to say that the action have happened yet. It goes after the past participle or at the end of the phrase.
-Example: I’ve already seen the film / I’ve seen the film already.
•Yet: it uses in interrogative orations to ask if the action has happened yet. It goes at the end of the phrase.
-Example: Have you finished that exercise yet?
•Still: also goes in negative orations to say that the actions haven’t happened yet. Still is more efficient than yet, and it goes before the auxiliary have/has.
-Example: We haven’t eaten lunch yet.
Text ~> my own words
Date ~> 24th - January - 2008
lunes, 14 de enero de 2008
Problems around the world

THE THIRD WORLD: Some time ago, nobody knows why, the world was divided into two halves with very bad equitable distribution, since then there is what is known as "Third World". This part of the world is mostly in Africa, very high level of deaths per minute, and trying every day to continue with life, which for him people who live there is very difficult. Should not be allowed to, which is the developed world (in some sense), this will happen. We complain of lack of research to get an antidote to any illness, but in the Third World by one child dies per minute; we protest by having more technical or technological innovations being there, there is no drinking water. I wish I could do something to remedy all this, but one person is impossible to do something like saving an entire continent. I think that the suffering of the Third World, is the clearest example of the global differences, some people have a lot, and others NOTHING.
MINIMUM DUTIES: Any person who belongs to a society such as ours has a general right to all, and that is the vote to express themselves freely and choose the party that will govern their country. In the Third World, for example, people don't stand out for anything important, just because it does not have anything or anyone to help them enough, they need help and at least things like drinking water, food, and above all the right to have someone listen to them and to speak for them, that many are for some very basic needs, the appearance of someone to speak for them and represent them in a developed society would be the minimum right that could have people living in these countries. These countries are not allowed to leave their situation for many things, but above all, by the differences that separate us, surely can never escape, which hopefully that will not be the case.
DISCRIMINATION SOCIAL: Whether people are saying that in this country we are all equal, often differs between men and women. In this century has changed a lot in terms of how society was before. Women now work with more influence. In society, there is still a negative sentiment against the working women, although in many cases is people with a 'closed mind'. In countries like China don't want the women do not want it, I guess it will be because there practicing religion says that the woman is totally unnecessary in society, have recently been discovered cases in which young girls were selling, in carrying suitcases. This surprises me a lot, because we are all human beings and we have the greatest right in the world to live. Fortunately we are thinking about every day we in favor of a woman who: has the same rights as a man, you have the same powers to exercise work, but above all bear in mind always that we are equal.
DISCRIMINATION SOCIAL: Whether people are saying that in this country we are all equal, often differs between men and women. In this century has changed a lot in terms of how society was before. Women now work with more influence. In society, there is still a negative sentiment against the working women, although in many cases is people with a 'closed mind'. In countries like China don't want the women do not want it, I guess it will be because there practicing religion says that the woman is totally unnecessary in society, have recently been discovered cases in which young girls were selling, in carrying suitcases. This surprises me a lot, because we are all human beings and we have the greatest right in the world to live. Fortunately we are thinking about every day we in favor of a woman who: has the same rights as a man, you have the same powers to exercise work, but above all bear in mind always that we are equal.
IMMIGRATION: There is so much difference between third world countries and developed that there is a wave of people who emigrate to other countries to seek opportunities to be able to live well, and sometimes survive. I don’t understand the people who complain that there are foreigners in their country, saying that they take away their jobs, their money and their living space, and not, I can’t understand people who say that. If the people who say these things will put into the shoes of those who migrate to more developed countries, I am sure that would change his mind. They don’t come to take away anything, come to live, as people who are.
THINKING AND FREE EXPRESSION: On many occasions man feels inhibited and forced at times to think what someone dictate, I believe that any human being with the power to reason has the right to think, feel and react at times on his own intuition , or simply do what they think is most appropriate. This isn't what people have in the Third World. This is what's left for immigrants to be able to express themselves and discover that could be developed in their country of origin. The percentage of deaths is closely linked sometimes that nobody is doing anything to prevent this. The discrimination against women, it is clear what their comparison and similarity to the lack of expression and free thought. People have the need to keep some differences, which are not in all respects are beneficial to the progress of this society. We all understand that the world has formed depending on the direction in which we, is a progressive but discriminatory, since not all parts of the world are developing well.
GREENHOUSE EFFECTS AND ITS CONSEQUENCES: There are too many people in the earth and this fact leads to a disaster. The reasons are obvious: too many people --> we have to produce tons of food --> the use of harmful methods to improve the harvest (pesticides, fertilizers, DDTS…) and the continuous use of new lands for crops --> pollution of the ground and water --> as we are too many people --> we have too many cars --> we produce too much smog, smokes, sprays…--> the dangerous cut of trees --> dessertization --> GREENHOUSE EFFECTS. The consequences of this effect are: the gobal warming of the earth, the ozone layer, dessertization, etc. The ozone lawyer provokes a global warming of the Earth. At the same time, this warming leads to the melting of the poles. We can stop this, but anybody do nothing.THINKING AND FREE EXPRESSION: On many occasions man feels inhibited and forced at times to think what someone dictate, I believe that any human being with the power to reason has the right to think, feel and react at times on his own intuition , or simply do what they think is most appropriate. This isn't what people have in the Third World. This is what's left for immigrants to be able to express themselves and discover that could be developed in their country of origin. The percentage of deaths is closely linked sometimes that nobody is doing anything to prevent this. The discrimination against women, it is clear what their comparison and similarity to the lack of expression and free thought. People have the need to keep some differences, which are not in all respects are beneficial to the progress of this society. We all understand that the world has formed depending on the direction in which we, is a progressive but discriminatory, since not all parts of the world are developing well.
Text ~> my own words
Text ~> my own words
Picture ~> http://www.librodearena.com/myfiles/brisasnuevas/asking_for_help.jpg Date ~> 14th - January - 2008
martes, 30 de octubre de 2007
Manga comics

Really I don't know a lot about Manga comics. I only read two collections, "Azul" and "Vagabond." Azul is about a love story and Vagabond is about a samurais story. I have Vagabond's collection, but I read "Azul" because my cousin Alberto recommended it me, he said me that it is a very beautiful story. I don't like comics that are absurd stories like "Naruto", "Ragnarok" and "Mär"... HAVE NO SENSE! ! There are several types of Manga Comics, like: Shojo (for girls), Shonen (for boys), Seinen (for adults), Hentai (porn), Doujinshi (anime's reproduction)... Normally, the manga comics are japaneses, but also there are koreans and chineses. I think they have no comparation with american comics...
Text ~> me
Date ~> 30th - October - 2007

The Druids brought with them a large hollow turnip who would sculpt a face on the front, this to represent the demonic spirit in which depended to gain power and knowledge.
A typical meal Halloween are cookies with structure pumpkins and ghosts.
Text ~> http://www.mxl.cetys.mx/neto/halloween.htm
Picture ~> http://www.biblia2000.com.ar/general/calabaza2.jpg
Date ~> 30th - October - 2007
viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007
There is a military rule since many years ago, now the Buddhists Monks have begun to make manifestations because the price of the transport and the food has raised a lot. They have the high moral prestige. And the military government has answered with repression. They have killed to many manifestants and have detained some hundreds of people.
At the beginning of the manifestations some monks protested and the military beat them, so the other monk manifestated in mass. The images that have recorded with mobiles and cameras, have helped everybody to know what is happening.
At the beginning of the manifestations some monks protested and the military beat them, so the other monk manifestated in mass. The images that have recorded with mobiles and cameras, have helped everybody to know what is happening.
Text ~> EL PAIS
Picture ~> http://www.luventicus.org/mapas/asia/birmania.gif
Video ~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUGhDvcA448
Date ~> 5th - October - 2007
martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007
11th September

Aside from the 19 kidnappers there were 2973 passed away people confirmed and 24 continue missing.
This already 6 years ago it happened, was very strong for much people, although it did not know anybody deads.
Text ~> Wikipedia and me
Pictures ~> http://galizacig.com/imxact/2006/09/11s_traballos_desescombro_zona_cero_590.jpg and http://www.20minutos.es/data/img/2006/09/11/508083.jpg
Video ~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u45-gYQuQQk
Date ~> 11th - September - 2007
miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007
The Dominican Republic
"all included" called “Natura Park”. In the room I was with my sister and my cousin. It was in Punta Cana. I have bathed in the Caribbean see, where at least two weeks ago pass the “Dean” hurricane.The Dominican Republic it’s a poor country, but like others countries there are people with a lot of money and people with no money,

Text ~> me
Pictures ~>the firsts two ones I took them and the last one.. http://www.atour.sk/sub_pic/7365977b.jpg
Date ~> 5th - September - 2007
martes, 31 de julio de 2007
The Beatles

The group was made up of:
-John Winston Lennon Stanley, (John Lennon) (Liverpool, 9 of October of 1940 - † New York, 8 of December of 1980).
-James Paul McCartney, (Paul McCartney) (Liverpool, 18 of June of 1942).
-George Harrison, (George Harrison) (Liverpool, 25 of February of 1943 - † Los Angeles, 29 of November of 2001).
-Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) (Liverpool, 7 of 1940 July).
Their discography: Please Please Me (1963-03-22), With The Beatles (1963-11-22), Meet The Beatles! (1964-02-01), To Hard Day's Night (1964-07-10), Beatles For Sale (1964-12-04), Help! (1965-08-06) Rubber Soul (1965-12-03), To turn around (1966-08-05), To Collection of Beatles' Oldies (But Goldies) (1966-12-10), Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Band Club (1967-06-01), Magical Mystery Tour (1967-12-08), The Beatles (The White Album) (1968-11-22), Yellow Submarine (1969-01-17), Abbey Road (1969-09-26), Let It Be (1970-05-08), The Beatles 1962-1966 (Network Album) (1973-04-02), The Beatles 1967-1970 (Blue Album) (1973-04-02), Rock n' Roll Music (1976-06-07), The Beatles AT The Hollywood Bowl (1977-05-04), Love Songs (1977-10-21), Rarities (1978-12-02), The Beatles Ballads (1980-10-20), Beatles Reel Music (1982-03-12), 20 Greatest Hits (1982-10-18), The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 1 (1988-03-07), The Beatles Past Masters, Volume 2 (1988-03-07), Live AT the BBC (1994-10-21), Anthology 1 (1995), Anthology 2 (1996), Anthology 3 (1996), Yellow Submarine Songtrack (1999), The Beatles One (2000), Let It Be… Naked (2003), Love (2006).
Text ~> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beatles
Picture ~> http://elnuevocojo.com/images/stories/191205/beatles.jpg
Music ~> http://www.radioblogclub.com/
Video ~> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdCjaiXmUb0
Date ~> 31th - July - 2007
sábado, 21 de julio de 2007
Ireland (the exam)

Text ~> me
Picture ~> http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/b/b1/Trinity_college_front_square_cropped.jpg Date ~> 21th - July - 2007
sábado, 7 de julio de 2007
I have come to Ireland to study the english language one month. I am in a village called Balbriggan, near Dublin. I am living with a family. On monday, on tuesday, on wednesday and on thursday I go to school. On friday I have an excursion. At school I am learning a lot. The classes start at 10 am and finish at 1 pm. Here I normally wake up at 8 o'clock and then I go to school, when I finish school I go with my friends to the "Community Centre", there we stay three or four hours doing sport and after that eachone goes to each home to have dinner (we have dinner too early, at 5 pm). At night we are all toghether talking and having fun.
Here you have a photo of the garden of the house that I'm living at the moment.

Text ~> me
Picture ~> I took it
Date ~> 7th - July - 2007
Here you have a photo of the garden of the house that I'm living at the moment.

Text ~> me
Picture ~> I took it
Date ~> 7th - July - 2007
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