martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

11th September

The 11th of September’s attacks of 2001, were a suicidal series of attacks that implied the kidnapping of four passenger airplanes on the part of 19 members of the terrorist network Al-Qaeda. They were divided in four groups of kidnappers, each one of them with a pilot who was in charge to pilot the airplane. Both first airplanes were: the Flight 11 of American Airlines and the Flight 175 of United Airlines that were crashed against the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center (New York), an airplane against each tower, causing that both collapsed in two hours. The third kidnapped airplane was Flight 77 of American Airlines that hit against the Pentagon in Washington DC. The fourth airplane, that was Flight 93 of United Airlines, had not reached any objective since the passengers and crew tried to regain the control and, for that reason, it crashed in an opened field, in Shanksville, Pensilvania.
Aside from the 19 kidnappers there were 2973 passed away people confirmed and 24 continue missing.

This already 6 years ago it happened, was very strong for much people, although it did not know anybody deads.


Text ~> Wikipedia and me
Pictures ~> and
Video ~>
Date ~> 11th - September - 2007

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007

The Dominican Republic

I have gone 9 days to the Dominican Republic with my family. We were lodged in a 5 stars hotel with
"all included" called “Natura Park”. In the room I was with my sister and my cousin. It was in Punta Cana. I have bathed in the Caribbean see, where at least two weeks ago pass the “Dean” hurricane.The Dominican Republic it’s a poor country, but like others countries there are people with a lot of money and people with no money, nothing. A day I went to the “rich” side of the country, but is too poor compared with us. And another day I went to the POOR side of the country where there were abandoned childs that survive begging to the tourists. In the Dominican Republic it’s obligated go to the school, where there is one, there are too many childs that leave the school without their parents consent to start working on the streets, and childs that leave the school WITH their parents consent. Here you have a photo of the hotels swimmingpool...


Text ~> me
Pictures ~>the firsts two ones I took them and the last one..
Date ~> 5th - September - 2007